Java Preanger Arabica
Java Preanger Arabica
The Story
The origin of the coffee plant on Mount Puntang dates back 3 centuries. Precisely during the Dutch colonial era in the 1700s. But these coffee trees are in the forest interior of Mount Puntang. This puntang mountain coffee belongs to the Arabica type, what distinguishes coffee puntang and other coffees are a combination of seed quality, land height, Soil conditions, weather, and processing methods greatly determine the taste of coffee.
Ayi Sutedja said that Mount Puntang did have everything it needed coffee plants to thrive and produce quality beans. Factor aside nature and seeds, Ayi Sutedja cultivates coffee in an organic way, plants wild coffee on the slopes of the mountain which only serves as a fence for the gardens vegetables, planting and maintaining plants without involving chemicals, harvesting fruit by picking red, and proper drying will affect the taste and aroma of coffee beans.
Notes: Lychee, Black Tea, Citrusy
Origin: Pengalengan District – West Java
Altitude: 1350 MASL
Procesing Method: Washed
Roasting Profile: Medium